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Showing posts from October, 2018

Let's not be Geese

Nature is f-ing amazing. I was watching one of those nature shows recently that told how eagles have evolved to hunt geese in Canada. The first step is to wait. The eagles simply hang around until late in the season when the lakes the geese rest on begin to dry out, so the geese become highly concentrated. The second step is to dive-bomb the geese. This causes a panic, and the geese turn on each other in trying to escape the eagles. The unlucky geese who get hurt during the panic end up with injuries like broken wings. Only then do the eagles flutter down and claim their prey. But these eagles did not always hunt this way. This hunting strategy started thousands of years ago with one lazy bird who developed a habit of not chasing every goose it ran across. It conserved it’s energy, waited for better hunting conditions, ate more, and was healthier than the other eagles. It then had more opportunity to help produce additional eagles with that “lazy” habit until that hunting strategy beca