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Showing posts from November, 2018

Sitting Ducks

Modern humans have a lot of time on their hands. It does not always feel like it, but it’s true. We keep ourselves busy with appointments, sporting events, work and school. But 70,000 years ago, back when we were first learning how be humans, we were BUSY. Every waking moment was probably spent doing something to secure the safety of our tribes. We constantly had to move. We had to hunt and kill some of our food and search for the rest. Shelter and warmth and predators were constant issues. There was safety in numbers when living as prehistoric people, and working together and helping each other increased our chances of survival. But there is one group of modern humans who I think are still unconsciously looking to find their tribes – fans.         Fandoms act like tribes since they are a safe place for fans, but they are different than traditional tribes since they are not usually a top-down hierarchy; They may coalesce around an actor, character or story, but a fandom’s power com