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Showing posts from January, 2019

The World According to Claire

If you are a homemaker, you may occasionally experience an “irrational” reaction to having to do one more bleeping sink of dishes or prepare yet another meal for your thankless loved ones. I’ve been there more than once. But what if I told you this reaction might not be so irrational after all? What if I pointed out that humans are among the very few species on the planet that live together as a nuclear family? The “moms” of almost every other animal on Earth, in fact, live long term with either their partner OR their offspring, but not both. This human condition creates a ton of work for the parent who is not leaving the house to work - or for the parent trying to do it all by themselves. How did we get into this situation ? And why in the world would less traditional, same sex couples sign up for this crap? It’s actually a matter of instinct. Prehistoric humans who lived as devoted pairs in a tribe were able to successfully rear the most offspring. As a result, tribes with the mos