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Showing posts from August, 2019

Chuck Help Us

Perhaps you have peripherally become aware that a network TV show called Supernatural is entering it's 15th and final season...and you have never heard of it. Just in case you have found yourself recently curious about the show and its equally talked-about fandom, I'd like to strongly recommend that you ignore your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out.) Carry on with your lives.  Move along.  There is nothing to see here. Go on without us. Because to be perfectly honest, the devoted fans of  Supernatural  are in some serious trouble. In fact, the only one who might be able to help is Chuck. Chuck is the nickname of "God" on Supernatural (SPN.)  He is a minor character in the weekly plot of the show but has extraordinary unseen power over what happens to the other characters . This description may match how you imagine your own overseer of choice, but Chuck on Supernatural  (SPN) has been known to hang out in his underwear, eating Chinese food and watching porn. Needless to