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Showing posts from April, 2019

Claire Goes to Hollywood

Claire is a cave girl who lived 40,000 years ago.  If you have been following her story, you know she has recently chosen a mate. Her choice was important because cave-dwelling was a dangerous occupation. In Claire's time, humans did not have very much control over their environment. People used to get their "power" from physical tools like weapons and fire, and if you partnered with a person who was good at using those tools, you survived. Then about 10,000 years ago, humans figured out how to grow and store food. People started trading that food for other things that they needed, but physically trading stuff was inefficient and cumbersome. So people eventually agreed to start using money to represent wealth instead. It seemed like a good idea at the time...but now it appears that the accumulation of "money" has become  the  pastime for many modern humans. But I digress. This is the continuing story of Cavegirl Claire, and she chose a boy nam


Success back in our cave-dwelling days was survival. Alive or dead. Cut and dry. Things were pretty simple: Collect/consume resources and avoid things that hurt. That is what any other species that still exists on this planet does every day (or night.) But humans are different. We know too much about how things work. But we still want to know why. Kids ask why all the time, and usually we want them to. But there is one question many of them ask that adults don't know how to respond to. Why are we here? Why do people exist? We treat it as if it were just a phase they go through and try philosophical or religious answers to quiet their minds. But if we were honest, we would admit that as adults, we are wondering the same thing. Why are we keeping ourselves alive? It's scary to think about. So we avoid it.  Distract ourselves. We get drunk. High. Over-eat. Over-work. Over-love. Obsess. We collect more resources than we need. All because we don't  know our purpose on Earth. We