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Showing posts from July, 2019

The Biology of a Buddy Flick

Perhaps you've heard of "The Hollywood Formula." It's a list of characteristics that, if all are included in a script, should help a movie be successful. The list includes believable characters, some sort of action or conflict, a romantic relationship, a bit of comic relief, and a happy ending. Sometimes one or more of these items is played-down in a screenplay, but rarely are these movies as successful as the ones who include them all. Yet there is one type of movie that consistently does well without the characteristic of romance - The Buddy Flick. Flicks like "Men in Black," "Lethal Weapon," or "Rush Hour". Dudes love 'em, ladies love 'em, and kids love 'em. They are so popular they are almost cliche. But I think buddy flicks are important. I think these big-screen relationships between friends should be considered a window to our paleolithic past...a time when we were solely dependent on our friends and family for our surv